زمانبندی ارائه مقالات به صورت سخنرانی

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نوشته شده توسط احسان احسان در چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۰۵/۳۱ ساعت ۱۴:۵۶

چهارشنبه 1403/06/07

سالن مصباح (17:30-18:30)

  1. G-1036: Evaluation of Aureocin A53 as a Promising Therapeutic Agent for Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  2. G-1339: Characterization of virulence factors, antimicrobial susceptibility, biofilm production, and molecular epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates
  3. G-1569: Safety and therapeutic efficacy of three antimicrobial peptides on systemic infections in mouse models
  4. G-1231: The Inhibitory Effects of Bacteroides fragilis and Bifidobacterium bifidum on the 4T1 Cancer Cell Line: An in vitro and in vivo Study
  5. G-1736: Evaluation of antibiotic resistance pattern of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens in Qaemshahr Razi Hospital
  6. G-1239:Prevalence of virulence genes of mucosa-associated Escherichia coli strains from colorectal cancer patients and healthy subjects
  7. G-1550: The incidence of Health-care associated infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates and evaluation of antibiotic resistance among ICU patients of two hospitals in Tehran
  8.      G-1487: Assessment of the Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of Snail Mucus, Thymol, and Ferulic Acid in a Rat Model of Burn Wounds Infected with Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa


چهارشنبه 1403/06/07

سالن دارو (17:30-18:30)


  1. G-1622: Evaluation of the biological population in activated sludge and its relationship with the SRT in the municipal wastewater treatment plant
  2.   G-1576: Exploring the Potential of Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron in Modulating the Immune Response in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
  3. G-1115: Potential of Lactobacillus acidophilus to modulate cytokine production by peripheral blood monocytes in patients wit endometriosis
  4. G-1132: Introduction of Novel Drug Targets against Staphylococcus aureus and Proposing Putative Inhibitors against Adenine N1 (m1A22)-tRNA Methyltransferase (TrmK) using Computer-aided Drug Discovery
  5. G-1109            Network Analysis of Altered MicroRNAs in Helicobacter pylori-Infected Gastric Cancer 
  6. G-1299: Evaluating the Clinical Efficacy of Two Meropenem Dosages in Critically Ill Patients with Hospital-Acquired or Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: A Single-Blind Randomized Trial
  7. G-1439: The epidemiological situation of Aedes borne Diseases in Iran and the world
  8. G-1322: Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor (HDACi) and Oncolytic Respiratory Syncytial Virus A2 Strain (RSV-A2) Combination in a Mouse Model for HPV-related Tumors


پنجشنبه 1403/06/08

سالن مصباح(17:30-18:30)

  1. G-1110: Developing a Targeted Endolysin Fusion Protein for the Treatment of MRSA Infections
  2. G-1360: Targeted antimicrobial photo-sonodynamic therapy: A novel approach to combating oral microbial pathogens
  3. G-1384: The New Methods of Applying Bacteriophages in Biocontrol of Corrosive Bacteria and Their Biofilms in Water Systems
  4. G-1527: Reverse vaccinology approaches to introduce promising immunogenic and drug targets against antibiotic-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae: Thinking outside the box in current prevention and treatment
  5. G-1025: The efficacy of two triple therapy regimens and one quadruple regimen (bismuth, omeprazole, metronidazole with amoxicillin) in eradicating Helicobacter pylori in patients with peptic ulcer: a randomized clinical trial.
  6. G-1152: The Impact of Helicobacter Pylori on the Expression of Immunity and Metabolism-Related Genes in Gastric Cancer
  7. G-1372: Evaluation of Physicochemical and Microbial Quality of Drinking Water of Some Regions of West Mazandaran Province and Comparison with National Standards


پنجشنبه 1403/06/08

سالن دارو (17:30-18:30)

  1. G-1407: FliD-Urea B chimeric antigen in serodiagnosis of H. pylori infections
  2. G-1069: Enhanced anti-biofilm activity of the minocycline-and-gallium-nitrate using niosome wrapping against Acinetobacter baumannii in C57/BL6 mouse pneumonia model
  3. G-1354: Production and investigation prophylactic effects of egg yolk antibody (IgY) against a chimeric protein containing IpaD, StxB, and TolC antigens from Shigella
  4. G-1491: Utilization of Whole Genome Sequencing approach for surveillance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Lombardy Region in 2017-2019
  5. G-1551: Relationship between gut microbiota and inflammatory cytokines in inflammatory bowel disease
  6. G-1312: Severe Candidemia infections in critically Burn patients with COVID-19
  7. G-1267: Metagenomic analysis of the Microbial Communities in a stirred tank reactor (STR) and their efficiency in bioleaching of chalcopyrit concentrate        
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